History: Professionally produced music recordings
Preview of version: 32
Professionally produced music recordings
We propose to repeat the Professionally produced music recordings
The task includes the following data:
- Test and development data (test1 and dev1) of professionally produced music recordings
task of the first community-based Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign (SiSEC 2008
- Test and development data (test2 and dev2) of SiSEC 2010
- New test data of SiSEC 2013 (test3)
Test Data
Download test1.zip

Download test2.zip

Download test2_full_mix.zip

Download test3.zip

Download test3_full_mix.zip

The data consist of stereo WAV audio files that can be imported into Matlab using the wavread command. These files are named {test1,test2,test3}__[<author>]-[<song>]__{snip, full_mix}__{mix}.wav , where <author> is the author name and <song> is the song name.
The data include the following mixtures (snips and full-length recordings):
- test1__tamy-que_pena_tanto_faz__snip__mix.wav
- test1__bearlin-roads__snip__mix.wav
- test2__glen_philips-the_spirit_of_shackleton__snip_163_185__mix.wav
- test2__nine_inch_nails-the_good_soldier__snip_104_125__mix.wav
- test2__shannon_hurley-sunrise__snip_62_85__mix.wav
- test2__glen_philips-the_spirit_of_shackleton__full_mix.wav
- test2__nine_inch_nails-the_good_soldier__full_mix.wav
- test2__shannon_hurley-sunrise__full_mix.wav
- test3__jims_big_ego-mix_tape__snip__mix.wav
- test3__vieux_farka_toure-ana__snip__mix.wav
- test3__jims_big_ego-mix_tape__full_mix__mix.wav
- test3__vieux_farka_toure-ana__full_mix__mix.wav
Development Data
Download dev1.zip

Download dev2.zip

Download dev2_full_mix.zip

The data consist of stereo WAV audio files, that can be imported in Matlab using the wavread command. These files are named {dev1,dev2}__ [ <author> ] - [ <song> ]__[ <snip> ]__ {mix,full_mix,<track>}.wav, where <author> is the author name, <song> is the song name, <snip> is a shortcut for snip information, and <track> is the separated track name (e.g., "vocals", "bass", etc.).
The data include the following mixtures (snips and full-length recordings):
- dev1__bearlin-roads__snip_85_99__mix.wav
- dev1__tamy-que_pena_tanto_faz__snip_6_19__mix.wav
- dev2__another_dreamer-the_ones_we_love__snip_69_94__mix.wav
- dev2__fort_minor-remember_the_name__snip_54_78__mix.wav
- dev2__ultimate_nz_tour__snip_43_61__mix.wav
- dev2__another_dreamer-the_ones_we_love__full_mix.wav
- dev2__fort_minor-remember_the_name__full_mix.wav
- dev2__ultimate_nz_tour__full_mix.wav
Separated tracks (needed for evaluation in dev1 and dev2) are in the corresponding folders named {dev1,dev2}__[<author>]-[<song>]__<snip>__<track>.wav .
All audio files are distributed under the terms different licenses, as listed below for each recodring:- Tamy - Que Pena Tanto Faz: Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0)
- Bearlin - Roads: Read License
- Glen Philips - The Spirit of Shackleton Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
- Nine Inch Nails - The Good Soldier Read License
- Shannon Hurley - Sunrise Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
- Another Dreamer - The Ones We Love Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 1.0
- Fort Minor - Remember the Name Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5
- Ultimate NZ Tour Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
- Jims Big Ego – Mix tape Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0
- Vieux Farka Touré – Ana Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5
The data were taken from the MTG MASS database

The following should be taken in to account:- The participants are encouraged to separate only the snips of songs in case of test1, test2, dev1, and dev2. In case of test3, the participants are encouraged to separate either snips and full-length recordings.
- Some track names below have the following meaning:
- "vocals" = "a sum of any singing including main vocal, back vocals and singing in the reverb"
- "drums" = "a sum of any drums including bass drum, hi-hat, snare etc."
- "bass" = "bass guitar only (i.e., not bass drum)"
Tracks to separate (test tasks)
test1__tamy-que_pena_tanto_faz__snip__mix.wav- vocals, guitar
- vocals, bass, drums, piano
- vocals, drums, bass, other
- bass, drums, vocals, other
- vocals, drums, bass, piano
- vocals, drums, bass, other
- vocals, drums, bass, other
Tracks to separate (development tasks)
dev2__another_dreamer-the_ones_we_love__snip_69_94__mix.wav- vocals, drums, guitar
- vocals, drums, bass, claps
- vocals, drums, bass
Participants may submit separation results for any above-mentioned tracks of any above (test and development) mixtures.In addition, each participant is asked to provide basic information about his/her algorithm (e.g. a bibliographical reference) and to declare its average running time, expressed in seconds per test excerpt and per GHz of CPU.
How to submit
Each participant should make his results available online in the form of a tarball called <YourName>_<dataset>.zip.The included files must be named as follows:
<dataset><author>-<song><snip or full_mix>__<trackname>.wav
where <dataset> is one of the test/test2/dev2, <filename> is a shortcut for the set of source signals, <trackname> is the name of the extracted track.
(For example, the estimated vocal track for the task file "test2_glen_philips-the_spirit_of_shackleton_snip_163_185_mix.wav" should be named as "test2glen_philips-the_spirit_of_shackletonsnip_163_185__vocals.wav".)
Each participant should then send an email to "zbynek.koldovsky (at) tul.cz" and "onono (at) nii.ac.jp" providing:
- contact information (name, affiliation)
- basic information about his/her algorithm, including its average running time (in seconds per test excerpt and per GHz of CPU) and a bibliographical reference if possible
- the URL of the tarball(s)
The submitted audio files will be made available on a website under the terms of the same license as indicated in the section Licenses above. In other words, any modified version inherit exactly the same license as the original.
Evaluation criteria
The same basic evaluation criteria as for the under-determined speech and music mixtures dataset will be used first so that results are comparable. More precisely, the estimated stereo source signals will be evaluated via the criteria used for the Stereo Audio Source Separation Evaluation Campaign
- Associated matlab code: bss_eval_images_nosort.m
Additional evaluation will be provided through the perceptual evaluation toolkit PEASS

Potential participants
- M Nxx yz
- Vasileios Pantazis
- Alexey Ozerov (alexey.ozerov (a) irisa_fr)
- Jeanlouis Durrieu (durrieu (a) enst_fr)
- Maximo Cobos (mcobos (a) iteam_upv_es)
- Pablo Cancela (pcancela (a) gmail.com)
- Antoine Liutkus (antoine.liutkus (a) telecom-paristech.fr)
- Pierre Leveau (pierre.leveau (a) audionamix.com)
- Jordi Janer (jordi.janer (a) upf.edu)
- Nobutaka Ono (onono (a) nii.ac.jp)
- Stanislaw Gorlow
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